iOS Development

Building an AI Image Recognition App Using Google Gemini and SwiftUI

Previously, we provided a brief introduction to Google Gemini APIs and demonstrated how to build a Q&A...

Kodeco Podcast: App Marketing Secrets – Podcast V2, S3 E2

In our final episode of 2024, we’re thrilled to welcome fellow podcasters Malin Sundberg and Kai Dombrowski of Triple Glazed Studios. With a...

Testing requirements with #require in Swift Testing – Donny Wals

Published on: November 28, 2024In a previous post, I wrote about using the #expect macro to ensure that certain assertions you want...

WWDC 2023: A Reflection on Apple’s “Spatial Computing” Journey

The highly-anticipated WWDC 2023 has drawn to a close, and as the dust settles, I find myself sifting through a barrage of new...

Getting started with SwiftIO – The.Swift.Dev.

SwiftIO is an electronic circuit board that runs Swift on the bare metal. It can control sensors, displays, lights, motors and more. ...

A different way to develop SwiftPM Packages inside Xcode projects — Erica Sadun

WWDC gave us many reasons to both migrate libraries to SwiftPM and to develop new ones to support our work. The integration between...

Understanding SwiftUI view lifecycles – Ole Begemann

I wrote an app called SwiftUI View Lifecycle. The app allows you to...

What’s New in SwiftUI for iOS 18

The world of SwiftUI is constantly evolving, with each update pushing the boundaries of app...

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